About me
I love and live Kink, Tantra & BDSM with all my heart. Through my enriching personal experiences, I was inspired to offer these services professionally as well.
At the beginning, I learnt from a renowned dominatrix in London and also expanded my knowledge and spectrum in various seminars in Switzerland.
What is awaiting you when you see me...
Together we embark on a journey. Sometimes you know beforehand where the journey will take you and you are already full of joy and excitement because you know yourself well, or because we have discussed the direction of our play. Sometimes the journey is a big surprise for you and the opportunity is there for you to explore and experiment. I am completely present for you and accompany you through the variety of your emotions, states of being and through the situations you find yourself in. Your boundaries are very important to me. Mutual trust is essential so that we both feel comfortable.
Quality comes when we both create together. You bring your ideas, your stories, your curiosity, your openness about your inner processes and your perceptions. I hold the space, create the flow and use my skills and knowledge to connect with you. I will awaken your senses and bring you into your body through the infinite possibilities within BDSM!
Our encounter is unique and you are the focal point.
More infos on my website: