Einfühlsam und unerbitterlich... in Heide Holstein (3990) - Dominatrix - Profile text

You want to experience the extraordinary? Well, then it would make sense that you yourself want to report me!I live on a lonely farm and you not only in my house, but just in the stables and outdoors you can let yourself go. Whether you're just usable and serve want, or prefer to experience pain. Here it bothers no one. You can let yourself go and scream as much as you like!My nearest neighbour is 1.3 km away and I'll find a suitable spot on the 50 acres where you disappear ...  I have thrown my maid out!Ergo I am looking for a successor, which is to serve me. So do you know a woman, then you can show her this site and I look forward to your call! Pretend you it is not just my look, which is so soft and feminine. If you hear my voice and timbre, then just think of it, I continue to look in the eye when I tell you:Because so loving my voice sounds in your ears, eyes sparkle when they have you in the teeth!
